I never could stand
When to the question “how are you?”
The asker desired
No reply.
It’s always an outrage
When people say “fine, thanks”
Meaning neither without feeling
Yes, they lied.

Did i wake up with you this morning?
Because i have felt alone all day.
Did you really tell me “take care”
Before we went our seperate ways?

Where were
“talk to you later”
“see you tomorrow”
“I’ll be in touch

I don’t know which is the worse feeling,
That it’s the end or that it’s okay.
You didn’t know what you were revealing
With your choice of automatic phrase.

Where were
“I’ll miss you”
“I look forward”
“I had a nice time

I wish I’d answered you “look both ways”
And as you crossed the street you’d felt
The imperative is so demeaning
Especially when used in farewell.

Where were
“I hope that”
“I’d like if”
or “I love
(mid March 2004)
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