We are what we do.                         Is that wrong?
Intention untested                          Should something else count?
Is worse than worthless,               The thought, perhaps?
Is weakness.                                      I’m sorry,
It doesn’t                                            It doesn’t.
Mean anything                                 To mean to
But failure                                         Means nothing
Unless tried.                                      Until done.

Success is behavior                         But isn’t there
Measured in degrees                       a difference between                
Not from intended to realized      the successful murderer
But from before to after.                And the unsuccessful doctor?
No advantage                                    I’m sorry,
In modest                                           That doesn’t
Intentions.                                          Seem right.

We do what we can                          That was not
As we are                                           What I meant -
Not what could                                 Something else,
If we were.                                         Something better.
We succeed                                        Let me try,
More or less.                                     Try again.
(mid July 2004)
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